New Product – Special Numbers
Our Special Numbers unit of work is now online. Initial feedback is very positive and as ever, very interesting. We included work on factors and multiples and basic rules of divisibility which students need if they are to benefit from the unit.
This is actually Year 4 and 5 content; however, we have had some Year 6 teachers say that they found this very useful because they knew there were gaps but not necessarily where to start. For one school already, the unit has set up discussion across the year 4 , 5 and 6 teachers about how to develop a cohesive approach across the grades to ensure that students have had the relevant concepts and vocabulary year by year to enable students to participate fully.
I think this is one of the things that excites us so much, we are not simply trying to write great activities we are also trying to inform and empower teachers. By the way, we do value your constructive feedback and comments and we learn from them too. So send us your thoughts and comments, trials and excitements all welcome.
On The Horizon – Updates To Old Favourites
As you may be aware FLASH programs will soon no longer run on your computer. Most of our software was originally written in Flash or Visual Basic. We are now upgrading our most popular software packages to HMTL5. We have changed the 100 Square into a 120 Grid and are rewriting the teacher manual with all-new more detailed mental routines and support to assist you in maximizing the potential of interactive software. We expect to have the 120 Grid up and running in the next couple of weeks and are also working on the Dice Strings app.
Christmas Problems
We are well aware that silly season is upon us so tune into our blog and or Facebook pages because we will be putting up some new Christmas problems as well as bringing back some of the old favourites. Our students don’t have to stop learning just because it is that mad, exciting time of year; let’s keep them engaged right to the end of term.
That’s all for now.