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Grade Level
Foundation, Year 1, Year 2
Lesson Materials
4 Mental Routines
5 Calendar Problems
IWB/Smart TV Software
Compressed Zip File 1 MB
Calendars App for Mac and PC
31 printable pages
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The Calendars software allows you to select any month of 2021 onwards to work with. For example, you can shade all the Sundays with a single click or pick out individual days, either by clicking on them or by highlighting them on your screen.
The software can be used to support everyday and incidental situations such as marking birthdays or special events or can be used more formally to introduce the calendar mental routines included with the software.
The mental routines offer starter questions that immerse the students in the language associated with calendars and with strategies for using them.
The Calendars package supports the teaching of the ACM for Foundation: ACMMG008 and Year 1: ACMMG021 and Year 2: ACMMG041.
Click here to download the sample activity as a PDF file. Download Sample
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