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Dice Strings
Dice Strings
Grade Level
Year 1, Year 2, Year 3
Lesson Materials
11 Mental Routines
4 Games
IWB Software
Compressed Zip File 1.7 MB
Software for PC and Mac
27 printable pages
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This booklet describes a range of activities to develop mental strategies using a string of dice that can be rearranged to make explicit the choice of strategies. The program allows you to choose:
- the number of dice to throw (anything from 2 dice to 6 dice)
- whether to work with dice from 1 – 6 or from 1 – 9
- which mental strategies you would like the students to focus on.
After a whole-class session on the IWB, students can break into groups of 2 or 3 and practice the strategies and representations using their own dice.
Dice Strings supports the teaching of the ACM Number and Place Value strand for Year 1: ACMNA012, ACMNA013 and ACMNA014 and Year 2: ACMNA026, ACMNA027 and ACMNA028.
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