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Preventing the Numeracy Gap for Year 1
Developing fluency and addition and subtraction depends on a firm number sense foundation. Firm foundations take time. In this course you will learn a range of processes for firming up this numeracy foundation and ensuring that none of your students experience early failure and consequent risk aversion that leads to poor a disposition towards mathematics.
This Natural Maths course with Ann Baker provides processes for ensuring that students no longer experience the early failure in mathematics that leads to a numeracy gap in many Year 1 classes.
This course supports the teaching of the ACM for Year 1: ACMNA012, ACMNA013, ACMNA014, and ACMNA015.
This web course is designed for teachers of Year 1 students (and is useful for teachers of older students who are not yet grasping the fundamentals of number sense). In Preventing the Numeracy Gap for Preschool & Foundation students learned to subitize, count, understand more than and less than, locate numbers on a number line, sequence and use numbers in the real world. Preventing the Numeracy Gap for Year 1 builds on this early start and ensures that our young numeracy learners develop deep understanding of the concept of altogether and take apart.
In Year 1 it is absolutely crucial that we ensure our young learners are confident they have a maths brain and in so doing prevent maths failure.
As always, Ann provides a range of practical ideas, backed by research, and walks you through the steps you’ll need to take to ensure you are doing the best you possibly can to ensure your students are off to a life of confidence with maths and that your work is early prevention rather than setting up need for later intervention.
This course is divided into five modules that use video and text to cover the following topics:
1. Introduction to the importance of adding on and taking apart
- What needs to be in place and why
- How to ‘test’ without testing
- Trusting the count
- Responsible tests
2. Leading towards addition and subtraction
- The concept of altogether
- Thinking about what to notice when ‘testing’ without testing
- Pedagogical moves to support learning
- Pre-teaching
- Differentiation and authentic learning
3. Introducing and integrating the strands
- Subitizing and counting on
- Tick and flick checklists
- The role of finger rhymes
- Number lines
- Working proportionally on an Empty Number Line
4. Towards fluency and flexibility with early addition and recording
- Turnarounds for addition
- Doubles
- Subitizing irregular groups moving toward formal recording using mini-chunking
- Getting ready to use an empty number line for recording additions
5. Towards Subtraction
- Counting back
- Developing visual representations of subtraction
- Linking subtraction to counting back on a numbered line
- Using picture books and number rhymes for subtraction
- Roll, remove, record on an ENL
- Four frame posters for subtraction
Personalized Learning.
All modules take just over an hour to complete. They do not however have to be finished in one session. Once you’ve purchased this course, you’ll have it forever.
Videos are used to introduce topics and to demonstrate students engaging in activities. You’ll see what activities look like in real settings. Course texts explain how to plan, organize and deliver an effective program and are downloadable.
When questions arise, as we are sure they will, they can be posted on line in the course environment for either a public or private response by Ann. Responses are delivered as promptly as possible.
On course completion you will have access to a certificate for 6 hours of Professional Development.
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