Kellie’s Game
It was very exciting working with teachers at Madison Park Primary School last week.
After three days of demonstration lessons, reflection and planning we had a student free day. During the day teachers planned a Top 5 for their next unit of work and were asked to create a targeted game to match their planned intents. The idea was to create a game that would provide fun and timely practice. Kellie came up with the following and kindly sent it to me to share with you on the blog and Facebook.
During our Pupil Free Day we were asked to create a quick maths game using our Top 5s. I created a game involving multiplication and division (you may recall). I have trialed this game with my class and it worked amazingly!
I asked the kids to trial it for me and find any flaws/adapt any rules they wanted to, I also asked them to name the game for me (Luka chose ‘Maths Golf’ – because the aim is to get the lowest score like in golf).
Here are the instructions for Kellie’s Maths Golf Game (click below to download a .pdf version).

Kellie also sent a picture of the game being played in her classroom.

Total engagement, don’t you think! Thanks for sharing this, Kellie